
Choices, Choices

On the eve of the Iowa caucus and the real beginning of the nomination season, I thought I should put my choice(s) on record. I've done it semi-Australian ballot-style, fav followed by second, third and fourth choice: 1. Wesley Clarke; 2. John Kerry; 3. John Edwards; 4. Richard Gephardt.

I'm aware Clarke is not actively running in Iowa; this is not my pick for that particular contest but my choice for the nomination, as of this snapshot in time. Over the past few weeks the top three guys have shifted their position in my estimation and will probably shift again. There were three constants, however: Gephardt remained at fourth, as he's the least palatable and most marginal of the acceptable guys; and Dean and Lieberman have both remained beyond the pale. (Lieberman is like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense - he's dead & doesn't know it yet. But Dean -- God save the Democratic Party from Howard Dean!)

Later: There is a God!

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